
Buy Local Heroes: About Time and More

What a day! We've just added a handful of new items to the Hurm Store.

First, the most special addition of the bunch: The latest Local Heroes book: Local Heroes: About Time! But, that's not all. . . .

For those of you who haven't bought any Local Heroes books, now you can buy all three in one shot with the "Local Heroes 3-Book Set," and for a bt of a discount!

We've also got a whole bunch of 1-inch buttons for you. To keep things simple, we're offering three sets, each with 5 random buttons that relate to its set. There's the "Local Heroes 5-Button Set," the "Playtime Projects 5-Button Set," and the general "Hurm 5-Button Set."

All of these products (and more!) can be found in the Hurm Store at www.hurm.com/store.

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