
2008 Resolutions

For the past two years (2006 and 2007), I've jotted down some resolutions and posted them here. I've decided to do it a third year in a row and establish it as a pattern of behavior. I kind of like using my "resolutions" as general goals for my life.

Before I set some new resolutions, let's see how I held up to last year's:

  1. Keep my news blog updated: I don't have any hard numbers to back this up, but I think I hit the mark on this one. Check!
  2. Celebrate Hurm.com's 10 year anniversary!: Another check! I made a big deal out of this event, celebrating the 10 Year anniversary for 10 weeks, complete with giveaways and such!
  3. Redesign Hurm.com. Again.: A third check! As a point of trivia, the Hurm.com redesign launched the 10 Year celebration.
  4. Start a second comic strip.: A fourth check! That second comic is called Playtime Projects, and it capped off the end of the 10 Year celebration.
  5. Be more involved in comics.: Hm. I don't know if I was "involved" so much as "I went to more comic conventions" than in recent years. I know that is sort of the success criteria I laid out last year for this category, but it still feels a little weak. I'll put this down as a "check minus."

Okay, old stuff's out of the way. Let's move on to the new stuff.

  1. Get a better job. The job I have is good, honest work, but I'd like something in the same general area that includes a bit more creativity to it. Keep your fingers crossed!
  2. Go to the homeland more often. And by homeland, I mean my mom's house.
  3. Participate in Comic Conventions. Not just go to conventions, but begin participating in conventions again. You know: Show up as a professional, sign some autographs, give away some sketches, and sell some books. Just like I did in the old days. Bonus: I can cover some of Resolution 2 at the same time as Resolution 3!
  4. Improve the quality of Local Heroes. The art for first five storylines of Local Heroes were in pencil (no inks). The art for storyline 6 was inked with a Wacom tablet, but delivered one panel at a time. Storyline 6 helped me develop some techniques for using my tablet, but it dragged on way too long for me. I'm going to try doing these strips more like the original penciled versions, but with proper inks over them. (But probably not in color.) We'll see how many Local Heroes storylines I can get in this year—two? Three?.
  5. Start a third comic project. Woh, a third project! Does it make sense for me to start a third one? What about the first two, Local Heroes and Playtime Projects? See, the thing is, my very first idea for a webcomic is still bubbling about in my head. I think it's about time I actually did it. Local Heroes will come out weekly while storylines are in play, Playtime Projects will continue to come out randomly as bursts of inspiration hit me, and this new strip could come out maybe monthly. Also, I have several sub-projects in mind that connect to the third strip, and I'd like to get going on all those other bits. Let's see if I can get off my butt and get at least some of that going this year.

And that's it! Nothing too complicated, and yet still things I'll have to stay on top of if I want them to happen.

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Read Comments (2)

Amy commented at 3:10 PM on January 2, 2008:

I love Playtime Projects! More risque humor in 2008!

Joey commented at 4:24 PM on January 27, 2008:

All of these goals are great but they tend to lend themselves to a very sedentary lifestyle. Any chance we could see something about eating better and exercising more often? And playing the drum in Rock Band doesn't count BTW. In the immortal words of some random kid in the Commack Multiplex "Don't Die Optimus"

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