Entries from Hurm News tagged with 'Ultima Online'

Staple 2008 Aftermath

As you know, I went to the Staple! Independent Media Expo this past Saturday. It was awesome!...

Patch Day in World of Warcraft

I've recently gone back to playing World of Warcraft, this time on the Alliance side and with a different group of friends. It took a bit to make the group transition from City of Heroes to WoW, but we've been...

Re-events in MMOGs

Several years ago, I was an event volunteer for a large MMOG. Many of our live, in-game events required approval from higher-ups before we volunteers were allowed to enact them. The wait for approval often felt like forever, so I...

Gamers Charity site design

One month ago today, my buddy Crazy Joe started a new project called Gamers Charity to help the tsunami victims. I did my bit by designing the current Gamers Charity web site....

Another writing sample added

I've added another sample to the "Writing" subsection of the Hurm Studio portfolio. It's called "Spotlight on Avalon," and is something I wrote for the player-city of Avalon in Ultima Online several years ago....

Writing subsection added to portfolio

I've added a Writing subsection to the Hurm Studio portfolio. The inaugural entry is "Creating an Event," something I wrote while on the Ultima Online team....

We Created Worlds

I work on the Ultima Online game for Origin Systems--or I do until April 15, I should say. Our parent company, Electronic Arts is closing the Origin Studio and moving some of the people from Austin, Texas to San Francisco,...

Renaissance Festival

Last Saturday, Susan and I were in Houston. Partly for work reasons, we visited the Texas Renaissance Festival in nearby Plantersville....

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