Entries from Hurm News tagged with 'Susan'

Art.com's ArtPad is nifty

A few days ago, Susan sent me a link to show off an ArtPad creation of hers. Here's one I sent back to Susan, based off a photo of her and me....

My secret birthday vacation snapshots

I mentioned in a previous entry that I had "a smattering of snapshots" from my recent Chicago/birthday trip, but that I wanted to rotate and resize them before they were uploaded. Well, I felt like I was taking too long...

My secret birthday vacation

This past weekend, Susan and I went on a secret birthday vacation. "Vacation" because she had to take a couple of days off from work, "birthday" because it was my birthday on Saturday, and "secret" because she planned it without...

Trip to the Austin Zoo

Yesterday, Susan and I took a trip to the Austin Zoo. It's smallish, but still includes some of the classic zoo animals. Nearly all the animals are outside, and yesterday's super-hotness made me super-sweaty. Here are snapshots of some of...

Joey's Visit to Austin

My buddy Joey came to visit for about five days. He met Susan again, as well as Tom, Jon, Amy, and the other people I hang out with. You can see a handful of snapshots from his trip here....

Back in America

The title's a bit misleading I think, as I was actually back in America two evenings ago, but I was too pooped to write anything that first night and didn't really visit my computer much yesterday. I have a few...

Greetings from London!

Susan and I are in London right now, on vacation. Let me give you some quick highlights....

Valentine drawing

On February 14, I gave my girlfriend a picture that I drew of the two of us. You can see it in the Hurm Studio portfolio area (or just just click here to get right to it)....

Cat snapshots

Here are some snapshots of my girlfriend's cats....

Secret Gifts

Buying Christmas gifts for one's girlfriend can often be a difficult chore. However, I think I did a pretty good job. Read on to see the secret of my gifts....

Renaissance Festival

Last Saturday, Susan and I were in Houston. Partly for work reasons, we visited the Texas Renaissance Festival in nearby Plantersville....

Vegas=done, GenCon=to do

I'm back from Las Vegas! There were six of us, including Susan and myself. Susan and I stayed at the Monte Carlo, and the rest of the crew at Mandalay Bay....

Las Vegas, baby!

I'm going to Las Vegas! Susan and I are going to meet a small handful of my friends there — we're leaving Thursday and staying until Sunday. We're staying at the Monte Carlo Resort & Casino. One of the nights...

I got me an Xbox!

Yep, that's right. As of this past Sunday, I am the proud owner of a baby Xbox. But you can't just bring an Xbox into your home without some toys, oh no. I picked up Halo, and playing with it...


Susan and I went "geocaching" today (well, technically we did it yesterday, but I haven't gone to sleep yet so it still feels like Sunday to me). Geocaching is a recreational treasure hunting game where people in 170 countries hide...

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