
Staple 2010

It's that time of year again: The Staple! Independent Media Expo of Austin, Texas is on for March 6, 2010 at the Monarch Event Center. Guy Davis is the special guest! And, as is tradition, I'll be there with a table to chat and hawk my comics!

Doors open at 11:00am, and entry is a mere $5.00. And, today, I got my table assignment: table 12B in the auditorium.

Come to my table and get a free doodle and Playtime Projects temporary tattoo when you buy anything I've got to sell. Here's what you'll find at my table:

Also, discount packages will be available!

  • Add a book to any other purchase and get $1.00 off!
  • Add a t-shirt to any other purchase and get $1.00 off!

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