
Hurm.com 10 Year Celebration Wrap-up

And so we come to the end of the ten-week celebration of Hurm.com's 10 Year Anniversary. We've had special announcements, three how-to guides, and a new online comic called Playtime Projects spinning out of the festivities.

And let's not forget the giveaways! Let's all give one final round of congratulations to our winners: Gil Dowling (my sometime-co-creator, who is getting a signed copy of Heroes Incorporated® #1), Lou Graziani (of Cy-Boar, who is getting a signed copy of Local Heroes #1), and Chi Shannon (who will be getting a free sketch).

And speaking of that free sketch, let's wrap up the celebration with a look at Chi Shannon's free sketch, which will be heading off to her sometime this week. It's American Spirit, star of Local Heroes.

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Read Comments (4)

gil commented at 8:06 AM on September 24, 2007:

Congratulations on 10 years and many more. We need to get something definitive to do together soon!

Chi commented at 7:01 AM on September 26, 2007:

I can't wait to see it in person! Yay! :D

Keith commented at 12:47 PM on September 27, 2007:

Chi, I mailed your package this morning. You should get it in a couple of days!

Everyone else: Local Heroes #1 is still listed in the "Printing" stage. I'll post an update once it moves into the "Being Delivered" stage!

Keith commented at 5:25 PM on September 27, 2007:

Good news about Local Heroes #1! I have been e-mailed by Ka-Blam (the printers) with a note that the books have been printed and have been mailed to me. Yay!

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