
Welcoming the Newest Local Hero

On Saturday, April 21, Susan and I had the pleasure of meeting a certain rescued dog, thanks to the kind people at Austin Dog Alliance. The very next day, we took him home for a trial visit. Three days later, we decided he was perfect for us. Our dog's name is Hero.

Hero's foster owners picked him up from a shelter only a week prior to our meeting him, and they didn't have any details of his life prior to the shelter. Hero seems to be part husky, part Australian Shepherd. He is somewhere between 6 and 8 months old and weighs 42 pounds.

(Here's a funny coincidence: One of Hero's foster owners is the creator of Hero Machine, software that lets you create a portrait of your super-character!)

Hero is a very friendly dog. He likes our cats, and sometimes follows them but so far hasn't chased them. This was a critical point in deciding whether or not to keep him—if he chased the cats around, we would have had to give him back.

He amuses himself in the backyard by running back and forth while tossing a ball up in the air and trying to catch it. Hero likes to play, but is also not one to shy away from a well-timed midday nap. Not yet a fan of a rope-bone, he is content to curl up on the living room floor with one or two small, cloth catnip toys by his side.

Hero was extremely nervous around moving vehicles, especially trucks, but he's getting better with each walk around the neighborhood.

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