
Happy Birthday, Local Heroes!

Welcome to the one year anniversary of Local Heroes! In celebration of this festive event, two new bits of swag are now available for your pleasure!

American Spirit black t-shirts are now available. A companion piece to the Squire and Silent Knight black t-shirts, the American Spirit design comes as both a large and small image.

Get your own American Spirit on a black t-shirt! »

Before Local Heroes, there was Heroes Incorporated®! The Sensational Squire was once plain, ordinary Teddy Doucette—until his wealthy grandfather hired Grenadier and the Heroes Incorporated super-team to be his ultimate heroic inspiration. Long unavailable, the original two-part Heroes Incorporated story from 1995 is now reprinted in one volume along with eight pages of bonus material from the never-completed third part. This teen-rated book is published in the Hurm Studio section of Lulu.com.

Get Heroes Incorporated #1! »

Thanks being part of the Local Heroes family! We look forward to another year (and more!) of sharing the thrilling adventures of the sensational Squire and UNIONS Local Chapter 37!

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