
Resolving: Redesigning Hurm.com

Remember when I posted my cleverly-named "6 Resolutions for 2006"? Well, I'm nearly done with resolution number 3, "Redesign Hurm.com."

Hurm.com is the last site that I designed with a tables-based layout. I was dragging my heals re-creating it with a CSS-based design scheme because I couldn't come up with a new design I liked. I flirted for a bit with a CSS conversion of the "white with dotted teal lines" look that it had, but that seemed a bit lame. I guess I felt that new coding needed a new look.

The new design isn't completely doneᾹit's done to the point where I'm happy with it but also needed it to be in effect on all the live pages so I can work out all the little eccentricities. Other improvements may also be implemented at whim.

Old friends of Hurm.com may recognize the thin ragged lines that are around the black blocks as being re-purposed design elements from two site-designs ago. (White pages with black text, teal accents, and those ragged lines surrounding two frames.)

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Read Comments (3)

Amy commented at 1:09 PM on January 28, 2006:

Hey Keith!

Quick question... I'm looking into creating an RSS feed for my site... not that it changes that often, but it would be nice to learn how. I like the way yours works - nice and simple. Any suggestions as to how I can get that to work in a way I can figure out? Maybe something built into MT? Thanks. :)

Keith commented at 1:26 PM on January 30, 2006:

The RSS feed is a feature of Movable Type. An index.rdf template (as well as an index.xml template) is included in the default installation of all MT blogs. If you accidently deleted yours, I guess you could just create a new blog and duplicate the new blog's syndication page(s) into your original blog.

Also, I've never made any changes to my feed pages. I should look into it more, to make sure I'm pumping out the info in the way that best makes sense for my blogs.

Amy commented at 12:21 AM on March 5, 2006:

Thanks for the reply - I'll look into it the next time I do an upgrade. And yours seems to work just fine, from what I can tell.

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