
Local Heroes site redesign on the way

I'm working on a redesign of the Local Heroes site. You can see my test page here.

Here's a list of some of the changes:

  • The site's layout is currently controlled with a combination of tables and CSS, but the new layout will be all CSS controlled.
  • The top navigational image will display either Mystery-man, Silent Knight, American Spirit, or Squire (it currently shows only Squire). The character is selected at random at each page-load.
  • I'm adding a "Community" link to the navigation, and a corresponding Community page (which is this test page). It's for link-sharing, fan art, and like that there.
  • The comic navigation links ("Previous," "Next," etc.) are graphics instead of normal text links.
  • I'm playing around with alternate colors and some graphics. More than that, I'm adding in a site style switcher. (The links to the different styles are at the bottom of that "Welcome!" box on the center-left.)
  • That big red Google Ads box on the bottom right was too big. A smaller one is going in, instead.

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Read Comments (3)

Jonathan commented at 3:52 PM on July 7, 2005:

I like the new design... dark and subtle...

Jonathan commented at 3:56 PM on July 7, 2005:

And I'm probably going to have to steal that style switcher... it works great!

Keith commented at 6:35 PM on July 7, 2005:

I may lighten up some of the alternate site styles, so they're not all dark.

But, yes, that style switcher is AWESOME. I found this version at www.little-gamers.com. It seems to be based on a popular switcher created by some famous web standards person(s), but with an important improvement. The original switchers I found only switched based on tags that were specifically named in the switching script. This version makes no presumptions on which tags are used. It checks to see which tags are actually used and then swaps their content with their appropriate replacements. (I use the same switcher for Nowheresville's style switcher.) It's a plus that the switcher saves your preference in a cookie, too.

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