
My secret birthday vacation

This past weekend, Susan and I went on a secret birthday vacation. "Vacation" because she had to take a couple of days off from work, "birthday" because it was my birthday on Saturday, and "secret" because she planned it without my knowledge. I only learned about the trip in the middle of last week, and the specific location on the way to the airport.

We went to Chicago for four days. While there, we went to the Field Museum, the Shedd Aquarium, various eateries, Navy Pier, Museum of Science and Industry, Lincoln Park and its zoo, and the Hancock Observatory in the John Hancock building.

I have a smattering of snapshots, but I haven't uploaded them yet. Some need to be rotated and resized. I'll try to do that later this week.

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Read Comments (1)

Jonathan commented at 10:13 PM on September 1, 2004:

Ah, yes, belated birfday greetings to you!

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