One week ago today was my last day at Origin Systems. So far I've been playing PC games, mostly the City of Heroes beta test, but I've also been playing the original Half-Life for the first time. I've done some preliminary work on reworking my resume into a kind of portfolio/brochure. I've stayed up so late that I went to sleep in the early morning. Spent a lot of time with Susan, including watching the Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade DVD and going to the movies. Did a little home-cooking. Having a great time. Wish you were here. ;P
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Kate commented at 1:15 AM on April 25, 2004:
Sounds fun!
And I will be there, in 3 weeks. Keep 20/21 May freezor or no timtams for you!
CrazyJoe commented at 1:19 AM on April 25, 2004:
Remember, we are always hiring for weed pullers. From there, you can drive a tractor! If you do well, then you get a really big tractor to drive, so big, you can pick up small cars and put them back down elsewhere. Don't underestimate the fun of the Nursery Life. Plus, Im in charge of the Candy Machine, I can teach you how to exploit it and get Snickers for 25 cents! You don't have to move to San Antonio, the drive down I-35 is always lovely! Just leave 3 hours in advance....
Crazy Joe
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