
Feature Price, again

Yep, it's true. Feature Price has returned. (Thanks to Jonathan for pointing this out.) Let's see if I can get that refund I've been trying to collect for most of the past year. I've already sent in a request for a refund to their billing department.

Here's what their news page stated:

Featureprice.com Update August 4th 2003

Featureprice has completed its' move and migration to our new data center facilities. All services shall resume within the next 48hrs. As of now approx. 30% are active and more becoming active hour by hour.

There has been allot of confusion and rumors of Featureprice.com lately and we have stated little and refrained from contributing in order to lesson the confusion and misinformation.

Within the next 48hrs ALL services will resume and ALL clients (that are still with featureprice.com) will receive 100% of their hosting plans. This means for the last 4 months of the relocations and statements and involvements with other companies, Featureprice.com has chosen to continue operations and services and expand further.

All clients and ALL plans will receive FULL time credits of the 4 Months that have passed. There is no distinction between Platinum to Mini Accounts. ALL will continue and will have FULL time credit of 4 months to their account. There will be no further service disruption and more news to follow and announcements/ releases.

Thank you.

Featureprice.com Update August 11, 2003

Featureprice has been very busy setting up the management system for the FeaturePanel system. As of now all PLESK related systems are online however, all FeaturePanel systems are without a control panel at this time. We are anticipating a solution within the next 14 days.

The store will come online sometime after we have restored FeaturePanel and all upgrades to FeaturePanel. Thank you for your patience while we complete the transitioning.

Featureprice.com Update August 21, 2003

Featureprice has resumed technical support via our E-Tickets and Helpdesk services. Live Chat will shortly resume and LIMITED telephone customer service will resume, voice technical support services will not resume at this time.

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