
I work too much

I work a lot, way more than my prescribed work hours would suggest I should.

Since my job is connected to message board interaction — although, admittedly, this message board connection was stronger in the past than it is today — I often have to cruise the boards in my off-hours, like after work and during weekends. I've even done so during extended times off from work, like during the December Holiday Week we get every year.

Sometimes I even go in during the weekends, but just for maybe an hour or so. Except if we're running an event, then that could be up to four hours.

Oh, it's not so bad. Sometimes I take a day or even a week off. Hm…but if I take a day off I'll probably also come in for a meeting or two. And when I take a week's vacation (like this week's), I'll probably get called in for the day to prepare something for what may end up being a last-minute six-day week for me next week.

How many hours-per-week do I average, I wonder? 50? 55? If someone told me I've effectively clocked in close to 60 hours a week over the last two years, I don't know if I'd even blink. And why do I work so much, I wonder? I wonder.

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Read Comments (1)

Lizzie commented at 7:51 AM on June 25, 2003:

Message board work = Saturday evening, glass of wine, relaxing, candles, music, sudden desire to see what the little 'darlings' are up to now else you have to face it all on Monday... I understand entirely.

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