
The Gift of Pizza

Mother's Day is coming up, in case you didn't know. It's this coming Sunday, May 11th. I wanted to get my mom something she'd like. Flowers, maybe? Nah, giving flowers isn't my preference. Bath stuff? Chocolates? Hm..."girly" might not be so bad. But...ah! She loves pizza, and she has this quirk where she doesn't get pizza casually. Pizza to her is an event, not simply a meal. So, although she doesn't know it yet, I bought her the gift of pizza for Mother's Day — $40 of gift certificates to Dominos.

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Read Comments (2)

TMcT commented at 12:16 PM on May 6, 2003:

I guess your mom doesn't give a crap about your site. You must've figured it was safe to make the post without her seeing it ;)

Nobody commented at 2:30 PM on May 6, 2003:

She doesn't know this site exists. Shh! It's a secret!

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