I went to the dentist earlier today. He intended to put in two fillings, and inlay, and a crown, but just before he started he considered the crown might be too extreme and figured he might be able to get away with another inlay, instead.
In the end, it still meant 2 hours of drilling, poking, and bleeding and I did get the inlay instead of the crown. I think it may cost more money for the extra inlay, but we have to wait for the insurance company to get back to us on how much they'll pay for.
They gave me enough local anasthetic to last 6 hours, which means I have less than 2 hours before I can start to really feel whatever pain this whole she-bang might entail. I'm not looking forward to it, although I got a sense that it might not be as bad as I originally suspected it might have been.
The inlays were some kind of "temporaries." They made a mold of my teeth and will be sending that to a specialist who will make the permanant versions. I go back in three weeks to get the temps out and the permanant ones put in.
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