
Categorizing These Articles

I've begun working on categorizing the articles you'll find here. Expect to see those categories in effect soon, with each article having the category attached to its listing in addition to the ability to seach by category.

Not all categories will be in immediate usage, but they all reflect my interests so it probably won't be long before you start seeing them cropping up.

[Later that same day: I just finished adding in the category display for each article as well as the category list in the navigation area.]

Here's a list of the categories I came up with, and their respective definitions:
  • Art and Creativity: I figure most articles using this category will be about original art of mine, but sometimes it'll also reference other graphic design, web visuals, comics, and whatever I might be screwing around with that somehow is artistically expressive.
  • Comics and Cartoons: Expect to see references to comic books & comic art, superheroes, television cartoons, and full-length animated features using this category.
  • Games: While this is primarily a reference to PC games, you might see tidbits about paper & pen RPGs, tabletop games, and console gaming pop up using this category.
  • Moments: Shared moments, personal observations, random memories, non sequitors, moments of clarity, and other snippets of life seen through my eyes.
  • People and Places: This is probably obvious, but entries that center around my friends and family members will be assigned this category. It could also include snapshots and anything related to digital stills, movies, or scanned photographs—especially from vacations and whatnot.
  • Stage and Screen: Articles in this category could include anything related to the movies, television, the theater, concerts, and live performances.
  • Web Stuff: I'll be using this when I need to mention updates to this site or feel like sharing tidbits about my Web efforts, including publishing systems, CSS, e-mail, hosting, etc..
  • Whatever: This is that catch-all category that every list needs to collect its x-factor.

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