
Joey is the Wheelman

A few months ago Joey bought this bizarre, well, I'll call it a skateboard/mini-bike hybrid called the Wheelman, but it's actually a cooler, more complicated vehicle than that. It's still something of a secret find, but word's starting to get out about this neat little gizmo. It's just secret enough to awe passers-by, but just notable enough for my buddy Joey to get in on a Today Show segment with his Wheelman.

So, buzz must be getting around about the Wheelman, and the Today Show was setting up to do a spot that included this mini-vehicle. Unfortunately, the company that makes it is located in Australia, and it's still too new for enough Americans to have it for the Today Show to just walk down a New York City street and grab an owner of one. So that's where Joey comes in.

The makers referred the Today Show to Joey as a possible assistant to show off the Wheelman in their segment, and Joey was happy to help out. A couple of days ago they filmed the segment, Joey included, and here's a QuickTime movie of his big moment on NBC:


(It's about 3.4 MB, so those of you with slower connections may have to wait a bit for it to completely load up to play.)

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Read Comments (5)

wheelman commented at 10:56 PM on September 1, 2003:

Joey is our man!
Time Magazine asked if they could use one of our Wheelman™ vehicles to promote their best invention issue on the Today Show, but of course they couldnt ride it so we went straight to the top! Joey dragged himself our of bed at some ridiculous hour of the morning trekked into the Plaza and hopefully his mates are still buying his beer for him!
Cheers Joey from all at Wheelman Australia

Nobody commented at 9:09 AM on September 2, 2003:

Woo hoo! Yay, Joey!

Thanks for sharing, wheelman! :D

Ben commented at 3:52 PM on October 10, 2003:

Anyone in Los Angeles have a Wheelman? I'd like to try it for maybe a few min if thats cool.

Please email me, I'll drive almost anywhere in sourthern cali to try out this beast.


Tony Beres commented at 9:47 AM on May 24, 2004:

The Wheelman is in the United States! You can buy it off our site. We are located in Upper Michigan. I demo it with anyone in the area of Marquette Michigan. It is awesome and I would recommend it to all. We ship all over the US!!

Tony Beres commented at 9:48 AM on May 24, 2004:

Site address www.wheelmanup.com

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