Our Culture
Events & Services of Avalon
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Avalon is a city made by and for the people of Baja, and its long history and enthusiastic & larger-than-life participants have given it a rich and diverse culture. Social gatherings, stage performances, and special ceremonies. Dungeon crawls and wilderness hunts. Contests and giveaways. Competitions of combat, horsemanship, boating and storytelling. All these are only part of what makes up our diverse society.
Avalons Fight Night tournaments have
existed in many forms. It is has most commonly been referred to as the Contest
of Champions, or CoC. Characterized by a healthy amount of desirable
prizes and lack of entry fee, the CoC began humblyin an arena with walls
of flour bags. Since that time other such valorous competitions have been introduced,
all of them open to any who choose to follow each games respective rules.
Tournaments |
Event |
Winner(s) |
Host |
Location |
Date |
Amazon Brawl | not yet available | Amazon Event Tower | not yet available | not yet available | |
Lunatic Brawl | not yet available | Laughing Lunatics Tavern | not yet available | not yet available | |
Contest of Champions (CoC): My Bloody Valentine | Rampaugh | Guards of Avalon | Avalons Ring of Champions | Saturday, 13 Feb 99 | |
House of the Dead | Busta | Aurora | The House of the Dead (now the Dead Dove tavern) | not yet available | |
Some Avalonian writings have begun to be placed here,
in our Literature section. Borealis Lumes
Baja Bardic Bash spotlighted Avalons literature, and celebrated
her authors. The contributions given to that distinguished literary compilation
are therefore reproduced herein.
Of special note here is Origins 49th Spotlight, on our own Avalon. It was written by Nobody, and can be read in our site here, or at www.uo.coms official page, here.
In the words of Aya, original Queen of the Amazons and one-time webmistress for Avalon:
For the weary traveller who has yet to rest his feet and have a drink (or lose his purse!) at the Dead Dove Tavern, or to relax with some Fools and some Amazons at the Avalon Town Hall, browsing through this archive will give him a taste of Avalonian life. Here, that traveller may read of our lives, our dreams, our hopes, our loves.... And by that reading, perchance, gain insight into the radiant, pure soul that brightly identifies a true Citizen. This identification runs far deeper than a simple guild title ever could. And it is this identification we wish our visitors to experience.
You, dear visitor, may know of the Baja Bardic Battle*. Its creators began with one idea in mind, and imagine their surprise when Avalons citizens responded in a rush! This contest is long since over, yet all of these lovely poems and intriguing poems can not simply be brushed under the rug! Therefore, it has been archived here.
When you read these pages, you browse the very soul of our city. If you have never had the pleasure of visiting Avalon, in this manner may you know its Citizens, before ever making their acquaintances.
Read on, fair traveller. An God willing, we shall see thee anon.
Some Avalonian stories are listed below. Click on the title to read the particular piece.
Stories |
Title |
Description |
Contributor |
Spotlight on Avalon | Avalon was the subject of the 49th Spotlight on OSIs official Ultima Online Web site | Nobody | |
Alberts Story | A biographic recollection | Kvarno Goldeneye | |
Ayas Story | An autobiographic recollection | Aya | |
The Bridge of Fools | A play | Tom Foolery | |
The Day Began with a Dream | A nine-part autobiographic recollection | Jack the Fool | |
Forever and Beyond: Gils Song to Jixxa | A poem | GilMour | |
A Harried Departure | A follow-up to The Snow Drifted Carelessly | Denton the Stableman | |
Northstars Tale | An autobiographic recollection | Northstar | |
On a stormy night many years ago... | A tale of the history of Avalon (12 July 98) | Aidenna Shethane | |
Riena Faire s Story | Remembrance of a special day | Riena Faire and MacDeath Cross | |
The Snow Drifted Down Carelessly | A sentimental autobiographic recollection | Jack the Fool | |
Ultimaxs Story | An autobiographic recollection | Ultimax | |
What a Day | A tale of the history of Avalon, adapted from the Journal of Aidenna Shethane (14 October 99) | Aidenna Shethane | |
Songs, Poetry, and Limericks
Some Avalonian songs, poetry, and limericks are listed below. Click on the title to read the particular piece.
Songs, Poetry, and Limericks |
Title |
Description |
Contributor |
Aewins Limerick | A limerick | Aewin the Elf | |
Borealiss Limerick | A limerick | Borealis Lume | |
Jacks Limericks | Three limericks | Jack the Fool | |
Jamess Limericks | Twelve Limericks | James, the Animal Tamer | |
A poetic documentary of Aya and Shadow Walkers lunch break | A limerick | Aya | |
Aewins Song | A drinking song about Avalon | Aewin the Elf | |
Jamess Song | A drinking song about Avalon | James, the Animal Tamer | |
Jerks Song | A drinking song about Avalon | Jerk | |
Pipers Song | A song about Britannia | Piper | |
Terindas Song | A drinking chantey | Terinda | |
Aewins Song | A drinking song about Avalon | Aewin the Elf | |
Jamess Song | A drinking song about Avalon | James, the Animal Tamer | |
Jerks Song | A drinking song about Avalon | Jerk | |
Pipers Song | A song about Britannia | Piper | |
Terindas Song | A drinking chantey | Terinda | |
* Special thanks to Borealis Lume and Lucina Juno for all their hard work organizing, publicizing and archiving the Baja Bardic Bash. Their dedication is, as always, very much appreciated.
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Avalon: City of Destiny is a player-city, located on Ultima Onlines Baja Shard.
Contact the webmaster at www.hurm.com/contact/. © 2000.