
Image: Episode 16


Episode 16

Lorla gets assaulted by an unruly bartender.

This episode originally appeared at SWG Stratics. Following is the original news post announcing the series and accompanying the episode.

A Girl and Her Wookiee - Episode 16

Wednesday January 23 2002 | SiteNews - 11:11 PM PST | Posted By: Dahlia Vale

Tonkah the Wookiee and Lorla Thisteen continue to search for a starpilot to get them off-world, but has Lorla's brash naivete already thrown her into a situation she can't handle? Episode Sixteen of "A Girl and Her Wookiee" is the latest episode of SWG Stratics' very own bi-weekly comic strip, and it can be found here. "A Girl and Her Wookiee" is created by Bastion, and is based on concepts from the Star Wars universe. Start reading from the first strip, here.

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